As a China Factory Based leading supplier of cookies mylar bags in this market, we can provide white label service and help build and customize your own brand. Or you can wholesale from us all series (different styles) of our mylar bags of 1/8th, 1/4th, 1/2 oz, 1 oz, and pound bags.
We’ve provided OEM/ODM service for thousands of our clients, you could be one of them as a white label client too. Today, please feel free to ask us to design and manufacture for you. What’s more, we offer not only quality variable styles of cookies mylar bags but also competitive prices by wholesale, you’re buying from factory direct, which allows you to enjoy both fast shipping and warranty guarantee. Besides OEM service, some of the most popular brands of mylar bags are largely in stock in our China factory or CA. So just don’t hesitate to contact us to check whether your required brands of products are in stock, and what flavor options available. Please remember 5-Stars customer service is our growth engine in the package in the long-term. So feel free to start cooperating with us.
Check below detailed info. of the Cookies Mylar Bags:
Smell proof and child prood 1/8th 3.5g cookies mylar bags. The material is matte and skin touch. There are many flavors and new flavors will keep coming, All of them are usually in stock. Such as Cereal Milk, Gary Payton, Gelatti, Cheetah Piss, Sticky Buns, Jefe, Balla Berries, Colling Ave, Berry Pie, Cake Mix, Pink Roazy, Snow Man, Blanco and etc…
This model is one of the most popular ones in the market that clients like to ask for customization, we can help build your own brand, put your logo on this product, and produce customized packagings for this item. We’re good at OEM service because we’re professional manufacture in the packaging industry for over 10 years.
Specs & Features:
3.5g cookies mylar bags for wholesale
Material: Plastic (Matte and skin touch)
Capacity:1/8th 3.5g
Size: 123 x 100mm
Color: Blue, Red, Yellow or any other customized color
Flavor: All flavors available, more is coming
Function: Smell proof and child proof
We have all designs and flavors for this cookies mylar bags series, if you can’t find specific design from these pictures, send us image to confirm we can supply, and we always can;
Custom printing service is always available, MOQ for that is 10K pieces each design.
Please Contact for discounts if you purchase in large quantity
☆Contact us for customized OEM/ODM service, we help put your logo on products and customized packagings☆
☆Contact us if you need disposable vapes for nic-salt☆
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